


The Perception of Gender Equality and Its Impact on Work Attitudes in Taiwan: Evidence from a National Sample




陸洛(Luo Lu);謝碧霞(Pi-Hsia Hsieh);潘君鳳(Chun-Feng Pan)


性別公平 ; 工作滿足 ; 組織承諾 ; 離職傾向 ; 職家衝突 ; gender equality ; job satisfaction ; organization commitment ; intention to quit ; work-family conflict




3卷3期(2009 / 09 / 01)


78 - 102






This study comprises two parts: The first explores gender equality in the working environment and whether differences exist among different types of organizations; the second part employs the equity theory to explore the impact on work attitude and work stress when people become aware of unfairness in their treatment relative to the other gender. The findings of the first part show that there is discrimination against women in Taiwan's work environment, but larger, more female, publicly-owned and service trade industry organizations engage in gender discrimination to a lesser extent than other sectors. In another aspect of this study, we found that the employee awareness of equitable treatment for both genders increases employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment, while decreasing employee work-family conflict. The findings, however, did not support a finding that employee awareness of equitable treatment for both genders will impact an employee's intention to quit or work stress. The findings also showed employee awareness of equitable treatment for both genders correlated positively with the gender equality of work environment. According to all these findings, this study suggests that if an organization wants to increase employee awareness of equitable treatment for both genders, in order to increase employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment, while decreasing work-family conflict, with the organization should begin by increasing gender equality in the work environment.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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