


The Substantial Evidence Analysis Research on the Relationship among Learning Orientation, Knowledge Management Mechanism and Organization Performance: An Example of High-Tech Industry in Taiwan




許立群(Li-Chun Hsu)


高科技產業 ; 學習導向 ; 知識管理 ; 組織績效 ; 結構方程模式 ; High-tech Industry ; Learning Orientation ; Knowledge Management ; Organization Performance ; Structural Equation Model SEM




4卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


112 - 132






This research creates the cause-effect model of learning orientation, knowledge management mechanism and organization performance. This research proposes the pre-variables of ”organization performance” are those aspects, learning orientation divided to three concept ”Commitment to Learning”, ”Shared Vision”, ”Open-Mindedness”, and intervening variable is ”Knowledge Management Mechanism” etc. Through empirical example analysis, this research can get most of every variable, and understand the variable and variable existence relation and intensity of one. The result of this study is helpful High-Tech industries factory according to different industries and companies to shape their own management strategies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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