


Do Fair Treatments Achieve Word-of-Mouth? Exploring the Role of Relationship Quality




陳永杰(Yung-Chieh Chen);顏財發(Tsai-Fa Yen)


口碑 ; 公平性 ; 關係品質 ; words-of-mouth ; justice ; relationship quality




6卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


1 - 14






Researchers have found that customers' loyalty is an important source of competitive advantage of a business. The higher words- of-mouth (WOM) and revisit intentions (RI) a visitor perceived, the higher loyalty a visitor perceived is. Numerous researches, however, discussed the impact factors of loyalty, only fewer researches discussed the effects of justice and relationship quality (RQ) on WOM and RI especially discussing the role of RQ. Present research has developed a model, investigated visitors from leisure farms by questionnaire survey and discussed the variables' relationship mentioned. The results showed that RQ acts as a moderator on JU- WOM. When a visitor has perceived the higher level of RQ, the effect of JU on WOM will be lower. Finally, some implications and suggestions are offered based on the results.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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