


Consumer Socialization Rethinking for Hakka Cuisine: Does the Socialization Mediated Effect Exist?




黃靖淑(Ching-Hsu Huang)


客家飲食 ; 消費者社會化理論 ; 忠誠度 ; 後堆地區 ; Hakka cuisine ; consumer socialization ; loyalty ; Ho-Dui region




6卷3期(2012 / 09 / 01)


42 - 62






In order to understand the adolescents' loyalty toward Hakka cuisine in Ho-Dui region, Taiwan, the main purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among the antecedent, mediator and outcome variable of the consumer socialization model which was addressed by Moschis and Churchill on 1978. The consumer socialization mediators include the interaction with parents, peers and medium and it is a transaction the adolescents can experience from a consumption behavior. The results showed that there is no mediated effect between the antecedents and loyalty. However, the significant relationship did exist between mediators and loyalty and the variable of Hakka family influenced the relationship. The suggestions were made to be the reference for further research and government administration.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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