


Factors Influencing Consumers' usage Intention of Fans Page of Tourist Factories




白凢芸(Fan-Yun Pai);施怡如(Yi-Ju Shih)


觀光工廠 ; Facebook ; 粉絲專頁 ; 關係行銷 ; 模糊層級分析法 ; Tourist Factory ; Facebook ; Fan's Page ; Relationship Marketing ; Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (Fuzzy AHP)




7卷2期(2013 / 06 / 01)


100 - 114




本研究以白蘭氏健康博物館的粉絲專頁為例,探討影響粉絲們使用白蘭氏健康博物館粉絲專頁因素之研究,並進一步探討使用白蘭氏健康博物館粉絲專頁是否會對白蘭氏的品牌有更進一步的瞭解,進而產生購買和到博物館參觀的意願。本研究以從關係行銷角度出發以模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy AHP)決定觀光工廠社群網站粉絲專頁使用因素之權重並進行排序,另外,本研究自專家和一般參訪者的角度評估權重分析,從中找出彼此準則的差異並進行分析。綜合專家和一般訪客關係之建立有不同的想法和見解。在主要準則部分,專家認為社會性鏈結最重要,而一般訪客認為結構性鏈結最重要。在次要準則部分,專家認為「A1粉絲的互動性」、「A4關懷與體驗」、「C1品牌知名度」、「A3網路口碑」、「B1資訊服務品質」是最重要的;一般訪客則認為「B1資訊服務品質」、「B2資訊分享」、「B4使用動機與回應」、「B3互相吸引」、「A3網路口碑」是最重要的。


This study uses BRANDS fan's page as an example to discuss the criteria influencing customer usage intention of BRAND'S Health Museum fan's page. And then further discusses about whether using fan's page of BRAND'S Health Museum improve better brand awareness of BRANDS', and even stimulate the desire to purchase and raise intention of visiting museum. Based on the results of this study, we intend and aim to give BRAND'S some practical marketing suggestions. This study, starts from the perspective of relationship marketing and using Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (Fuzzy AHP) to determine the consumer's criteria of using tourist factory's fan's page. The criteria are weighted and then ranked in this study. Also, there are different views about the weight and ranking of criteria between expert and ordinary visitors; we also aim to-and find the difference and similarity among the two groups. Expert and ordinary visitor has different point of view and opinion about relationship establishment .In primary criteria, the expert group believes that social connection is the most important factor. On the other hand, the ordinary group thinks that constructional connection is the most important factor. For secondary criteria, Expert believe ”A1 Interaction of Fans”, ”A4 Care &; Experience”, ”C1 Brand Awareness”, ”A3 Internet Word-of-Mouth”,”B1 Quality of Information Services” are more important. However, ordinary visitor think ”B1 Quality of Information Services”, ”B2 Information sharing”, ”B4 user motivation and response”, ”B3 Mutual Attraction”, ”A3 Internet Word-of-Mouth” are more important.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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