A high rate of turnover in a hospital will not only affect the viewpoint and trust of patients but also increase the operating cost of a hospital. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to use the questionnaires answered by former employees of a hospital to analyze the reasons of resignation and provide the results for the hospital to respond. 89 valid questionnaires were obtained. We used descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and factor analysis to analyze data. The results showed that most of the respondents are female, non-established, younger, with less seniority. The top five reasons for resignation are ”due to other career planning”, ”high pressure”, ”heavy workload”, ”excessive working hours”, and ”be tired of frequent evaluation work”. We suggest that the hospital have to do jobs analyses and redesign the context and process of jobs in order to reduce the pressure and workload. We also suggest that the hospital should do flexible work arrangements and use information technology to process the data of evaluation to reduce the rate of turnover in a hospital.
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