


The Influence of Product Perception on Internet Purchase Intentions and Market Segmentation Effects-The Moderating Effects of Vendor Reputation




范惟翔(Wei-Shang Fan);林怡秀(Yi-Hsiu Lin)


產品實感 ; 產品選擇性 ; 交易互動 ; 廠商聲譽 ; 購買意願 ; product fulfillment ; product selectivity ; interaction during transactions ; vendor reputation ; purchase intentions




7卷4期(2013 / 12 / 01)


67 - 91






As online shopping markets flourish, various large enterprises have begun competing to acquire Internet shopping platforms. However, public consumption power has generally declined because of factors such as economic downturn. This study employed junior high school teachers as subjects because these teachers possess stable jobs and salaries and thus a certain level of consumption potential. Issued 300 and regain 294 valid questionnaires. Subsequently, we developed 5 constructs (i.e., product fulfillment [referring to whether the purchased product fulfills expectations created by online descriptions], product selectivity, interaction during transactions, vendor reputation, and purchase intentions) to develop an integrated cause and effect relationship model for investigating the factors that influence junior high school teachers' online shopping intentions. The results as follows: 1. the frequency of internet shopping among teachers in junior high school in Taiwan is under three times a month, reign 86.7%. 2. the most frequently shopping website is Yahoo because of the convenience, the most popular goods are books and stationery, and teachers worry personal data will leak out. 3. Vendor reputation had no significant positive effects on purchase intentions, whereas product fulfillment, product selectivity, and interaction during transactions all demonstrated significant positive effects for purchase intentions. 4. Interaction during transactions showed complete mediation in the relationship between vendor reputation and purchase intentions. 5. Vendor reputation had significant moderating effects in the relationship between interaction during transactions and purchase intentions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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