


Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Explore Taiwan People's Cognition and Behavior Intention toward the Storage of Cord Blood




黃俊寧(Junne-Ning Hwang);胡天鐘(Tian-Jong Hwu);陳俞螢(Yu-Ying Chen)


臍帶血 ; 計畫行為理論 ; 干擾資訊 ; 行為意圖 ; Umbilical Cord Blood ; Theory of Planned Behavior ; Interference Information ; Behavioral Intentions




8卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


42 - 75




臍帶血含有豐富的造血幹細胞,是人體造血以及免疫系統的主要來源,醫療用途上能夠取代骨髓。1988年成功的全世界首例臍帶血移植手術帶動一連串臍帶血相關的研究與發展,儘管至今已逾二十年,卻仍屬於新興的醫療產業,具有不確定性之特性。過去有關臍帶血的研究大多與醫學相關,甚少在管理領域上著墨;本研究以計畫行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior,TPB)模型為基礎,探討民眾對臍帶血儲存之認知與行為意向,並以臍帶血之不確定性及相關資訊作為干擾因素,研究民眾接觸干擾資訊前後行為意圖的變化情形。研究結果發現:一、當個人對公捐臍帶血的態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制的程度越高時,會提高公捐臍帶血的行為意圖;當個人的態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制偏向私存臍帶血時越容易產生私存臍帶血的行為意圖;二、民眾在接觸干擾資訊後,公捐臍帶血的行為意圖會增強,私存臍帶血的行為意圖則有減弱的趨勢;三、一般民眾會受到干擾資訊的影響而提高其公捐臍帶血的行為意圖,但是準父母的公捐臍帶血行為意圖不會受到干擾資訊的影響。


The umbilical cord blood contains plentiful hematopoietic stem cell, it is the main source of immune system and human body's hematopoiesis, and it can take the place of marrow in medical treating purposes. The first successful transplant operation of umbilical cord blood in the world in 1988 led to a series of umbilical cord blood-related research and development. In spite of it is over 20 years from the first successful transplant operation of umbilical cord blood, the umbilical cord blood related seem still an emerging medical industry with uncertainty. Researches about umbilical cord blood are still new issues, and most previous researches of them are medical related, few of them concern with management. In this study, we use the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to explore peoples' cognition and behavioral intention toward umbilical cord blood, we also use the uncertainty of umbilical cord blood as interference information to study whether the peoples' behavior intention will be changed as they contact these information. This study concludes that: (1) When the level of individual's manner, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control in denoting umbilical cord blood are high, the behavior intention of denoting umbilical cord blood is raised; and when the level of individual's manner, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control tend to privately store umbilical cord blood, the behavior intention of privately storing umbilical cord blood is easier generated. (2) After contact the interference information, people increase their behavior intention in donating umbilical cord blood, and the behavior intention of privately storing umbilical cord blood is tend to weaken. (3) The general public will be subject to the interference information to raise their behavior intention in donating umbilical cord blood; while the prospective parents' behavior intention in donating umbilical cord blood are not affected by the interference information.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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