This research is mainly aimed to explore the influence on the academic performance wielded by the fitness of the 5th and 6th graders of an elementary school. The research is focused on the 5th and 6th graders of an elementary school as experimental subjects to conduct fitness tests. Also, the academic performance of 7 major learning fields is analyzed through the involvement of totally 504 school children. All the data obtained are analyzed by Chinese Version SPSS 19 for Windows with the results of descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis concluded as below. 1. Except the posture of sitting before bodies, all the fitness items of the 5th and 5th male graders of elementary school children are better than those of female counterparts. 2. Among the 5th and 5th graders of elementary school, those with better physical performance in the postures of sitting before bodies, standing long jump, sit-ups and cardio fitness can also bring with better academic performance. 3. The physical performance on the postures of sitting before bodies and cardio fitness can bring with expected prediction results in every learning dimension; sit-ups bring with expected results to the fields of health, physical education and comprehensive fields. Standing long jump can only bring with positive prediction effect to the fields of health and physical education. Herein, research results are proposed hopefully with the reference available for the upcoming research effort made by schools and relevant education departments.
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