


Examining the Mediating Effect of Negative Affectivity Willingness on the Relationships between Maladaptive Perfectionism and Workplace Deviance Behavior




鍾燕宜(Yen-Yi Chung);謝岱紋(Dai-Wen Hsieh);蘇文凱(Wen-Kai Su)


工具機產業 ; 不適應性完美主義 ; 負向情緒 ; 職場偏差行為 ; machine tool industry ; maladaptive perfectionism ; negative affectivity ; workplace deviance behavior




9卷2期(2015 / 06 / 01)


1 - 19






Employee workplace deviant behavior was a prevalence of phenomenon in organizations, As a result, it causes an enormous loss for organizations and it jeopardizes the enterprises' fortune. However, among past empirical research was less focused on personality traits of employees at workplace deviant behavior. Hence, this study was from the view point of maladaptive perfectionism of employees, maladaptive perfectionism as independent variables, workplace deviant behavior as dependent variables, negative affectivity as mediator variable, in order to study the relationship between them. This research studied the employees of Taiwan machine tool industry by using random questionnaire survey and issuing 350 questionnaires, a total of 255 questionnaires were collected and the valid questionnaires were 192 with a valid rate of 55%. The research findings are as follows: 1. Maladaptive perfectionism and workplace deviance behavior was positively related. 2. Maladaptive perfectionism and negative affectivity was positively related. 3. Negative affectivity and workplace deviant behavior was positively related. 4. Maladaptive perfectionism and workplace deviance behavior had positively relationship that was mediated by negative affectivity. This study has practical implication for managers to understand that avoid workplace deviant behavior that to reduce the negative affectivity of employees with maladaptive perfectionism.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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