


The Relationships between Mentoring Functions and Chef's Job Burnout: The Mediating Effect of Role Stress




陳建龍(Chien-Lung Chen)


工作倦怠 ; 師徒功能 ; 角色壓力 ; 廚師 ; burnout ; mentoring functions ; role stress ; chef




9卷3期(2015 / 09 / 01)


1 - 21




本研究主要目的在於探討觀光旅館後場廚師工作倦怠(情緒耗竭、譏硝態度與成就感低落)、師徒功能(職涯功能、心理社會功能與角色模範)與角色壓力(角色糢糊與角色衝突)的關係。研究嘗試擴展工作倦怠理論模式,加入並驗證角色壓力對於師徒功能與工作倦怠關係的中介效果。此外,亦分析不同師徒關係結構(正式化vs. 非正式化)廚師之工作倦怠知覺的差異。問卷調查以167位台灣地區國際觀光飯店廚師為樣本,運用多元迴歸法來檢證假設。研究結果顯示師徒功能對於工作倦怠(譏硝態度與成就感低落)有顯著的負向影響效果;角色模糊為師徒功能對工作倦怠的完全中介。此外,研究結果也驗證了非正式師徒關係有較低的成就低落感。最後,針對研究發現的意涵與未來研究進行討論。


In order to expand the job burnout theoretical model, by incorporating mentoring functions, this study exploring the relationships between mentoring functions (career function, psychosocial function, and role modeling) and chef's job burnout (emotional exhaustion、cynicism、inefficacy), and also examining the mediating effect of role stress (ambiguity and role conflict) . In addition, we also analyze the difference of job burnout between formal and informal mentorship chef groups. Questionnaire interviews were carried out with 167 chefs of Taiwan's tourist hotels. The retrieved valid questionnaires are subjected to linear hierarchical regression analysis to test the hypothesizes. Results showed that mentoring functions were negatively correlated with job burnout (cynicism and inefficacy). Moreover, results also confirmed that ambiguity fully mediated the relationship between mentoring functions and job burnout. Finally, the results also supported that informal mentoring group have lower inefficacy. Implications of these findings and the directions for future research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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