


A Study on Service Quality of the Car Rental Industry and Consumers' Lifestyle




林士彥(Shih-Yen Lin);陳朝鍵(Chao-Chien Chen);李明仁(Ming-Jen Lee);尚思齊(Szu-Chi Shang)


小客車租賃業 ; 服務品質 ; 生活型態 ; Car Rental Industry ; Service Quality ; Lifestyle




9卷3期(2015 / 09 / 01)


59 - 79






An increasing number of Taiwanese are spending time outdoors engaging in leisure and recreation. Additionally, people tend to ride with the high-speed rail nowadays; thus, the demand for rental cars is growing and more operators are entering the market. Therefore, there is an increasingly urgent need to improve service quality and customer satisfaction in the car rental industry. This study investigates a rental car company and explores the relationship between service quality and consumers' lifestyle. The study shows that the effectiveness of different travel lifestyles on service quality factors is significant. We identifies that higher satisfaction creates a greater sense of customer loyalty. We provide concrete, feasible suggestions for improvements based on our findings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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