


A Study on the Benefit Evaluation of the National Games




陳聖翔(Sheng-Hsiang Chen);王慶堂(Ching-Tang Wang);黃世杰(Anthony S.C. Huang)


全國運動會 ; 效益 ; 構面 ; 指標 ; The National Games ; Benefits ; Dimension ; Indicators




9卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


52 - 67




全國運動會雖不如奧運、亞運等國際性運動賽會所能產生之龐大效益,但卻不能否定其功能價值所在,每兩年舉辦全國運動會堪稱國內目前舉辦之最大型綜合性運動賽會,其舉辦也會對舉辦城市帶來諸多大小不等的效益。過去的研究中,不乏對運動賽會效益的研究,但多著重於經濟影響方面,罕有探討全國運動會對舉辦縣市所帶來之效益。本研究之目的在探討舉辦全國運動會所產生的效益面向、指標以及其權重值。研究方法採德爾菲法進行專家問卷調查,彙整專家學者之意見並建立全國運動會舉辦效益評估構面向及指標;再以分析層級層序法調查並運用Expert Chioce 2000 統計軟體進行分析層級程序法問卷之一致性檢定與權重值之計算,以獲得效益構面及指標之權重值。研究結果經分析與討論後獲得以下結論:一、全國運動會之效益構面及其權重值依序為:體育教育、社會、經濟、文化藝術、政治等面向;二、各效益構面之效益指標共計有23 項;三、整體權重值大於5%的效益指標有9 項;整體權重值小於3%的效益指標有10 項;四、全國運動會以競技運動為主體,政治與意識形態的影響逐漸式微;五、全國運動會舉辦之軟硬體建設的投資受到重視;六、地方形象與在地意識對全國運動會舉辦縣市舉有重要性。


It cannot negate the function and value of the National Games while benefits generated from it is impossible to compare with that from international sporting events. In Taiwan, the National Games held biennially can be identified as the largest multi-sports events which should be able to create many benefits for the host city/county. Although there are many domestic studies on the benefits of sporting events, they mainly focused on economic effects and rarely explored the benefits of the National Games for host city/county. The main aim of the current study is to find out the dimensions, the indicators, and their weights of effects in holding National Games. In order to achieve this, this study adopts Delphi method and Analytic Hierarchy Process to obtain experts’ and/or academics’ opinions. The results of this study are present below. First, the benefit dimensions and their weights of holding National Games in turn are physical education effect, social effect, economic effect, cultural and art effect, political effect. Second, in total, benefit indicators under benefit dimensions are 23 items. Third, global weights of 9 benefit indicators are greater than 5%; global weights of 10 benefit indicators are less than 3%. Fourth, the results of this study highlight the importance of competitive sports in the National Games and the fact that politics benefit and political ideology are gradually reduced in holding the National Games. Fifth, the investment in sporting infrastructure through holding National Games is valued. Six, the result of this study highlight the fact that local image and locals’ consciousness are important in holding National Games.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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