


A Study of the new venture activities process-In the restaurant industry as an example




范惟翔(Wei-Shang Fan);蔡明純(Ming-Chun Tsai);江品俞(Ping-Yu Chiang)


新事業 ; 創業行動 ; 創業策略 ; 創業活動 ; new business ; entrepreneurial action ; Entrepreneurial Strategies ; Entrepreneurial activity




10卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


66 - 87






According to Johnson (1986) for the definition of new businesses: a business organizations beginning to have an independent accounting system and do this business full-time staff at work, new business already born. That new business is based on an independent operating system, there is no link with other accounting companies, and based on autonomy and has its own full-time employees, and can operate independently of all business functions who called. Defined Lussier made (1995) was: New business refers to the time in less than a decade were established. The Council of Labor Affairs and the National Youth Commission to assist people whose bodies make entrepreneurship programs to encourage different backgrounds, ages engaged in entrepreneurial activity; in fact from well-known brands and retail chains continue to use creativity to develop innovative business models, to encourage people to venture should have a demonstration effect. The flourishing of entrepreneurial activity can reduce unemployment, and led a national prosperity, however, most entrepreneurs often have to endure a lot of loneliness and hardships of the journey in the early days, when entrepreneurs just rely on of their ability to solve the difficulties, in order to pursuit of better business performance. On the contrary, it will make the venture failed entrepreneurs become unemployed and it will influence the manufacturing industry more unemployment, the impact of national economic development. Through this study, the one founders of the narrative, the early stages of entrepreneurial action, correlation between Entrepreneurial Strategies, one of the results of continuous business processes of entrepreneurial activity, in depth interviews to collect data to analyze and summarize the founders of early stage entrepreneurial activity relevant factors, and then put forward propositions for reference and practical application of the follow-up study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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