


Exploring Study on the Operating Determining Factors for the Fitness Center: A Case of the University Running Store




蔡孟娟(Tsai Meng-Chuan);李昆沅(Li Kun-Yuan)


商店形象 ; 健身中心 ; 內容分析法 ; Store Image ; Fitness Center ; Content Analysis




10卷2期(2016 / 06 / 01)


22 - 36




本研究對大學經營商店為研究業態,探討經營健身中心之商店形象決定因素,以非結構衡量法之開放式問題來收集資料,探究大學生對大學經營商店形象的認知型態。本研究以台灣中部某私立大學日間部大一或大二班級代表為訪談樣本,共37 個樣本,分別以面訪方式進行資料蒐集,並以內容分析處理資料及編碼。最後研究發現,學生對大學經營有氧瑜珈健身中心的190 個重要語幹,可歸納為九個重要商店形象決定因素,為:1.實體設備、2.商店場址、3.環境舒適度、4.價格及促銷、5.課程種類、6.必備服務、7.加值服務、8.魅力服務與9.商店氣氛。本研究之發現對大學健身中心商店形象之營造具有參考效益。


The study focuses on discovering determinants of store image of fitness center in University. By using unstructured measurement method to collect data from an open-ended question,explores the college students' cognition patterns of store images for university's business. A total of 37 interview samples is in the study. They are class cadres of freshman or sophomore at a private university in central Taiwan. Respectively, data are collected with interviewing, and data analysis and coding by content analysis method. Finally, we classify 190 important themes into 9 significant determining factors for store image of fitness center. The factors of store image include: 1. Physical Devices, 2. Store Location, 3. Environmental Comfort, 4. Prices and promotions, 5. Course Type, 6. Necessary Services, 7. Enhanced Service, 8. Attractive Services, and 9. Store Atmosphere. The reference effectives are findings that creating store images of fitness center are operating for the universities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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