


The Relationship between MRT Drivers' Job Stress and Job Burnout: the Moderating Effects of Emotional Intelligence and Perceived investment in Human Resource Development




廖婉鈞(Liao, Wan-Chun);宋政杰(Song, Cheng-Jie)


工作壓力 ; 工作倦怠 ; 情緒智力 ; 知覺人力資源發展 ; 捷運司機員 ; job stress ; job burnout ; emotional Intelligence ; perceived investment in human resource development ; MRT driver




12卷1期(2018 / 06 / 01)


1 - 25






Due to the increasing need of traffic service, the MRT driver has been subjected to greater stress at work. This study attempts to examine the relationship between MRT drivers’ job stress and job burnout based on the job demand-resource model. The study consists of 134 final valid samples gathered from the questionnaire survey. The results show that the environment of job stress is positively related to job burnout. Moreover, both two moderators of emotional intelligence and perceived investment in human resource development can weaken the aforementioned relationship. When emotional intelligence and perceived investment in human resource development are high, the slope of the relationship between MRT drivers’ environment of job stress and job burnout becomes flat. Based on the results, this study provides a conclusion and management suggestions for the MRT Company and MRT drivers ultimately.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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