


The Factors Affecting Young Adult's Purchase Intension of Long-Term Care Insurance




洪惠綸(Hui-Lung Hong);吳家銘(Chia-Ming Wu)


長期照護險 ; 健康認知 ; 風險認知 ; 知覺價格 ; 同儕影響 ; Long-term care insurance ; health cognition ; risk cognition ; price cognition ; peer influence




16卷2期(2022 / 12 / 01)


135 - 149






Due to the average disability-adjusted life year increasing and the negative growth population in Taiwan, the care of the elderly has become an important issue now. Therefore, this study explores the effect of healthy cognition, risk cognition, price cognition, social factors, long-term care insurance identification, and peer influence of young people on long-term care insurance identification and purchase intention. Then, this study investigates those factors in the purchase intention of long-term care insurance. The results show that long-term care insurance identification, risk cognition, social factors, long-term care insurance cognition, and peer influence have a significant positive impact on the long-term care insurance identification of young people, but price cognition affects the long-term care insurance identification negatively. Second, risk cognition and peer influence have a significant positive impact on the purchase intention of young people; health cognition and price factors have a significant negative impact on the purchase intention. Finally, insurance identity has a complete mediating effect on the influence of risk cognition and price cognition on purchase intention.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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