In recent years, in order to continue the long-term care 2.0 policy of government departments, based on the community care center that have been implemented for more than 20 years, if combined with the "prevention and delay of disability care plan", it will be transformed into a long-tern-care station. As part of the community-based welfare service that promotes the localization of the elderly. This study investigated 555 elders in Changhua County who actually participated in the long-tern-care station, and learned about their participation, and extended the focus on the long-tern-care station. After the introduction of courses for preventing and delaying disability, the changes in the elderly's own health beliefs and how to change the changes in participating behaviors. The research method uses questionnaire survey to collect data. After empirical research, the following research results are found: the participation motivation of the elderly in the long-tern-care station has a significant positive impact on their level of participation (β=.704, p<.001), and it will significantly positively affect their own health beliefs (β=643, p<.001); in addition, the elderly's own health beliefs will also significantly positively affect their participation in the long-tern-care station (β=.730, p<.001); Finally, the elderly's own health beliefs will significantly and positively interfere with the influence of their motivation to participate in the long-tern-care station (β=.106, p<.001).Based on the research results, the researchers put forward the following suggestions: It is recommended that the number of long-tern-care station should be continuously expanded to allow more elderly people to participate; the elderly and long-tern-care station should be developed into a resource sharing relationship For example, inviting community seniors with rich experience in various specific fields to conduct teaching sharing activities; the activities of the long-tern-care station should be set up more abundant and diversified, and the function of the C-level long-distance alleyway station should be improved To a better state.
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