


To Study the model of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice for Discarding used Face Mask with Classifying under Covid-19




張炳華(Bin-Wha Chang);賴君瑋(Chun-Wei Lai);林雅云(Ya-Yun Lin);徐桂芳(Kuei-Fang Hsu);張珽宇(Ting-Yu Chang);林川雄(Chuan-Hsiung Lin)


口罩 ; 丟棄分流 ; KAP模式 ; 認知 ; 態度及行為 ; Face mask ; discarding with classified ; KAP model ; knowledge ; attitude and practice satisfaction (PS) ; oral-cavity health awareness (OCHA)




17卷1期(2023 / 04 / 01)


30 - 39




目的:分析民眾對口罩丟棄分流之相關認知、態度及行為(Knowledge, Attitude, & Practice, KAP model)之相關性,並分析民眾態度對認知於其行為之中介效果分析。方法:研究對象為臺灣地區15至69歲的民眾,約18,177,161人,抽樣方法採便利抽樣法,回收樣本數再依地區之配額,進行地區加權分析。問卷採結構式問卷,分別有人口學基本資料、口罩丟棄分流認知、態度及行為四部分。問卷發放採網路自填方式進行,發放時間為2021年8至9月,回收有效問卷564份。結果:有效樣本以女性324人(57.5%)、20~29歲受訪者390人(69.1%)、專科/大學學歷377人(66.8%)居住於北部地區254人(45.0%)為主。研究分析民眾在政府三級警戒前後,口罩更換之頻率是有顯著之差異性的(p<.05)。在KAP各構面之平均數(標準差)分別為0.82(0.34)、3.84(0.855)與3.78(0.93)。民眾在口罩丟棄分流之認知、態度與行為,會有年齡別之顯著差異性(p<.05),同時此三者是呈現顯著正相關(p<.05)。另外,民眾之口罩丟棄分流態度對認知於行為是有顯著之中介效果(p<.05)。結論與建議:民眾對口罩丟棄分流認知越正確者,其對廢棄口罩丟棄分流之意願越高。因此,希望政府部門可以加強衛教宣導,讓更多的民眾明白口罩丟棄分流的重要性及其對環境之影響。另外,應喚起民眾對廢棄口罩丟棄分流處理之意識,加強防疫之宣導,以減少病毒對人體健康之危害。


Purpose: To study the correlation between people's knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP model)about used face-mask discarding with classified (UFMDC), and to study the mediating effect of people's attitude on knowledge in practice. Methods: The population is about 18,177,161 people aged 15 to 69 in Taiwan. Regarding the sampling, we used a convenience sampling, and according to the quota of population ratio to weight the regional analysis. A structured questionnaire was adopted which included four parts such as demographic data, and KAP questions on UFMDC, and a self-administrated questionnaire was carried out on the web. The distribution time was from August to September 2021, and 564 valid questionnaires were received. Results: 324(57.5%) females, 390(69.1%) respondents aged 20-29, 377(66.8%) college/university graduates, and 254 (45.0%) living in the northern region were the most samples. To compare the before and after third-level alert of covid-19 pandemic The change frequency of face-mask was significantly different (p<.05). The mean (standard deviation) of each dimension of KAP was 0.82 (0.34), 3.84 (0.855) and 3.78 (0.93), respectively. There existed a significant difference (p<.05) of KAP by different age group, and it showed a significantly positively correlated (p<.05) among KAP dimensions. In addition, the result showed that existed a significant mediation effect on the practice by the attitude (p<.05). Conclusions: The more correct knowledge in UFMDC, the higher intention for doing UFMDC. Therefore, by this study result, we hope that government can strengthen the health education and the publicity, so that more people understand the importance of UFMDC and its impact on the environment. Moreover, the public's awareness of UFMDC should be aroused for preventing epidemic to reduce the harm of the virus to human health.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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