
加拿大中學教科書「認識中國」分析-以Across the Centuries為例


What Do Canadian Students Learn about China?-Analysis of "Across the Centuries"




楊景堯(Ching-Yao Yang)


教科書 ; 比較教育 ; 加拿大 ; 中國研究 ; textbook ; comparative education ; Canada ; China studies




1卷2期(2008 / 12 / 15)


45 - 74




本研究是對於加拿大溫哥華地區中學社會科教科書"Across theCenturies"其中「認識中國」的內容分析。根據研究發現,主要重點有:1.以「混亂」作為認識中國的開始;2.佛教在中國的「緣」起,影響深遠;3.中國再統一的基礎:「國族認同」;4.萬里長城是「世上最長的公墓」;5.對唐宋詩畫成就的肯定與讚揚;6.科舉制度與功績制度的結合;7.唐宋經濟成就與商人階級興起;8.中國的傑出發明:印刷術、火藥、指南針;9.蒙古人的功勞是加強中國與世界接觸;10.明朝的中央集權與暴政;11.鄭和下西洋;12.清初文化與人口的變遷。該書內容除了有幾處明顯的錯誤之外,值得思考的地方有:1.認識中國從漢朝末年才開始,值得商榷;2.對中國皇帝的介紹,出現次數以隋文帝最多;3.對中國皇帝的稱呼混淆不一致;4.使用「法句經」介紹佛教,比較生疏;5.認識中國「詩」、「畫」範例值得商榷;6.元世祖忽必烈的畫像令人懷疑;7.宋朝引進早熟稻的來源國有疑問。


This study was based on "International Understandings" and the main approach was to review "Across the Centuries", an 8th grade textbook on Social Studies, Vancouver, Canada. In the book, there is one chapter (30 pages in total) about China, it starts from the end of the Han Dynasty and ends in the early Qing Dynasty. The key points include: 1. Introducing China during the "Chaos" period; 2. How Buddhism was introduced and flourished in China; 3. China's reconstruction base-national identity; 4. The Great wall as the world's longest cemetery; 5. Poetry and painting achievements in the Tang and Song Dynasties; 6. Integration of the imperial exam and merit system; 7. The economic growth and development of the "merchant and trader" class during the Tang and Song periods; 8. Outstanding Chinese inventions-printing, compass and gunpowder; 9. Mongolian rulers strengthened China's contact with the world; 10. Centralization and tyranny of the Ming Dynasty; 11. Zheng He's voyage to the western oceans; 12. Cultural and population transitions in the early Qing Dynasty. Except for some obvious mistakes or misunderstandings in this textbook, there are some points that need further consideration: 1. Introducing China from the Han Dynasty might be inappropriate; 2. Among the emperors introduced, Sui Wendi appears more frequently; 3. The inconsistency in the naming of emperors; 4. Use of Dhammapada to present Buddhism not so familiar; 5. Some unsuitable examples of Chinese literature; 6. The portrait of Kublai Khan remains in doubt; 7. The source country for the fast-growing rice of the Song Dynasty is debatable. In conclusion, the efforts made in "Across the Centuries" can help us reconsider and learn more about this issue.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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