


A Content Analysis of the Concept of Global Warming in Textbooks for Grades 1-9 in Taiwan




黃靖惠(Jing-Huei Huang);洪志誠(Chi-Cherng Hong);許瑛玿(Ying-Shao Hsu)


氣候變遷 ; 全球暖化 ; 教科書 ; 內容分析法 ; Climate change ; global warming ; textbook ; content analysis




5卷3期(2012 / 12 / 05)


27 - 57




本研究以內容分析法探討臺灣九年一貫課程教科書中有關「全球暖化概念」的單元內容。根據文獻分析,本研究將全球暖化分成5 個子概念:(1)天氣與氣候、(2)人類活動與環境、(3)全球暖化的原因與影響、(4)能源使用與管理、(5)綠生活運動,分析教科書內容。調查之教科書數量計176冊,共1365單元,主要結論如下:一、全球暖化概念的單元數總計225個(占總單元數16.5%)。不同學習領域出現「全球暖化概念」的單元數差異懸殊,由多到少分別為:自然與生活科技(99個)、社會(76個)、綜合活動(29個)、生活課程(16個)、健康與體育(5個)。二、教科書中出現全球暖化概念的單元,以子概念5 出現的單元最多(67 個),子概念4 次之(48個),子概念3 最少(20個)。三、全球暖化概念出現頻率隨著學習階段增長而遞增,且單元內容涉及的子概念呈現增多的趨勢。


Textbooks on various school subjects dealing with the concept of global warming in grades 1-9 were examined using the content analysis method. Based on literature analysis, the concept of global warming was divided into five themes (sub-concepts): weather and climate, human activities and the environment, the causes and impacts of global warming, energy development and management, and green life. A total of 176 books from various curricula containing 1365 chapters were explored for this study. The main findings are as follows: 1. Contents relating to the concept of global warming have characteristics of cross-curricular dimensions. The above sub-concepts have been primarily integrated into the curriculum of Science and Technology (99 chapters) and Social Studies (76 chapters). 2. Related subjects have been integrated into respective curricula at significantly different percentages. With nearly 44% of 225 chapters, Science and Technology ranked the highest for grade 1-9 curricula. In the aforementioned chapters, the sub-concept of green life (67 chapters) is mentioned most frequently. 3. The concept of global warming and the five sub-concepts are integrated increasingly into textbooks with increases in grade levels.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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