


Exploring Changes in the Design of Textbook Illustrations and Their Use in Teaching and Learning from a Cognitive Psychological Perspective




周珮儀(Pei-I Chou)


教科書 ; 插圖 ; 課程轉化 ; 訊息處理理論 ; 認知負荷理論 ; textbook ; illustration ; curriculum transformation ; information processing theory ; cognitive load theory




8卷2期(2015 / 08 / 15)


139 - 174






Textbooks consist of text and illustrations, however textbook research tends to be concerned with text, rather than illustrations. To address this situation, the current study utilizes information processing theory and cognitive load theory to explore changes in the design of textbook illustrations and their use in teaching and learning. A case study was employed to collect and analyze data using observations, interviews, checklists, and document analysis. The findings show an interrelationship among the written curriculum, taught curriculum, tested curriculum and experiential curriculum and positive changes in the curriculum. However, there is still more space to reinforce a systematic transformation among different types of curricula; that could improve the quality of textbook design as well as the use of textbook illustrations in teaching and learning. As such, textbook designers should check over textbook illustrations carefully using cognitive process principles. Teachers should monitor the cognitive processes of students for illustration learning and develop appropriate teaching strategies to facilitate it. Students need to view illustrations as important learning tools and to learn how to decode them. Educators should align content and forms of illustrations in tested curriculum with those in written curriculum.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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