


Design Student-Centered Textbooks to Enhance the Reading Literacy of Young People




唐淑華(Shu-Hua Tang)


閱讀素養 ; 學生為主體 ; 易讀性 ; 德國 ; 教科書 ; reading literacy ; student-centered ; readability ; Germany ; textbook




10卷2期(2017 / 08 / 15)


1 - 31






Even though data released every three years ranks the nation as competitive, the latest PISA results on reading show that the quality of reading literacy in Taiwan and the teaching thereof. This paper argues that the most practical approach for equipping students to become better learners capable of learning through reading is to design student-centered textbooks. To achieve this goal, the cognitive and affective requirements of students in reading need to be understood. The principles of text readability also need to be understood. As such, two versions of current high school textbooks on history and biology were tested. The author shared personal observations of textbook design in Germany and indicated the possibility of learning from it in the future. Finally, based on past research experience, the author also offers suggestions for the future textbook design.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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