


The Rationale and Development of Skill Modules in the New Curriculum Guidelines for Vocational High Schools and Challenges in Textbook Transformation




李懿芳(Yi-Fang Lee);胡茹萍(Ru-Ping Hu);田振榮(Chen-Jung Tien)


十二年國民基本教育課程綱要 ; 技能領域課程 ; 課程轉化 ; curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education ; skill module curriculum ; curriculum transformation




10卷3期(2017 / 12 / 15)


69 - 99






The development of a skill module is a notable reform for vocational high schools in the curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education. The module focuses on basic and multidisciplinary skills with the purpose of improving hands-on skills for students in technical and vocational education (TVE). The purpose of this study was to explore the rationale and theory for the skill module, its development model and process, the challenges of and solutions for transforming rationale into textbooks. The data was collected and analyzed via document analysis and semi-structure interviews with eight senior textbook editors. The main findings are as follows: 1. the rationale of skill module fitted in the pragmatic and practical goals for TVE; 2. the use of a competency-based approach to generate skill modules that correspond to mainstream skill training; 3. the development respected the diversity of professional clusters, while the process revealed the problem of belonging among clusters showing the need to reexamine classification; 4. setting up a regular communication channel for curriculum stakeholders is necessary to facilitate curriculum transformation; 5. continuing to monitor the gaps between the ideal of skill module and its practice in textbook development and teachings in schools.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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