
國民中學英語教科書全球素養概念內容分析-以PISA 2018全球素養評量認知測驗內容領域為參照架構


Content Analysis of Core Concepts of Global Competence in Junior High School English Textbooks in Taiwan: Taking the Content Domains of the Cognitive Tests in the PISA 2018 Global Competence Assessment as a Framework




周珮儀(Pei-I Chou);王雅婷(Ya-Ting Wang);吳舒婷(Shu-Ting Wu)


全球素養 ; 英語教科書 ; PISA 2018 ; global competence ; English textbooks ; PISA 2018




12卷1期(2019 / 04 / 15)


1 - 38




當前世界各國和國際組織紛紛將全球素養列為學校正式課程重要內涵,培育學生了解並參與全球議題所需知識、技能和態度。外語課程是不同語言和文化交流的場域,對全球素養培育有獨特而重要的價值。因此,本研究參考PISA 2018全球素養內容領域架構,對國中英語教科書進行量化與質性內容分析,探討其現況與改善之道。結果發現:一、國中英語教科書全球素養相關內容約四成,主要在「文化與跨文化關聯」,呼應2008年英語課綱「文化與習俗」部分,介紹國內外主要節慶習俗及風土民情,沒有探討刻板印象、文化偏見與歧視。二、國中英語教科書在其他全球議題的呈現不多,多半並非主學習;建議未來課程修訂可再加強「社會經濟發展與相互依存」、「環境永續」、「消弭衝突、維護制度與人權」等議題的深度處理,促進探討這些議題的主學習。


Education for global competence has become an international trend for curriculum reform in many countries. Foreign language curricula are essential meeting points between different languages and cultures that serve as critical steps toward students attaining a global perspective. Based on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 global competence framework, this study conducted a content analysis of junior high school English textbooks in Taiwan. The results revealed that content related to global competence occupied approximately 40% of the textbooks. Content related to the domain of "culture and intercultural relations" comprised 30% of the textbooks. Content related to Western cultures occupied markedly more of the textbook content than that related to non-Western cultures. Compared with previous findings on this topic, Taiwanese cultures were slightly more represented. Examples of cultural comparison were sporadically found in the textbooks. However, the subdomains of stereotypes, discrimination, and intolerance were absent. In addition to the domain of "culture and intercultural relations," Taiwan's English textbooks should include more content on other domains, such as "socioeconomic development and interdependence," "environmental sustainability," and "conflicts and human rights" for primary learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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