


Division of Study Fields and Curriculum Development for Secondary Vocational Schools at the National Level in Germany




張嘉育(Chia-Yu Chang);黃亞君(Ya-Chun Huang)


德國職業教育 ; 群科設置 ; 課程發展 ; German vocational education ; division of study fields ; curriculum development




12卷3期(2019 / 12 / 15)


31 - 58






This study investigated the division of study fields and curriculum development for secondary vocational schools at the national level in Germany. Using the comparative research method, the following findings were obtained. First, employment-oriented vocational school programs use training occupations as basic units, offering more than 500 training occupations, whereas academic-bound vocational schools provide six specialized study areas. Second, the employment-oriented curriculum is governed by laws of the Federation or the Länder, whereas the academic-bound curriculum's development is governed by Länder laws. Third, the curricula for training occupations are updated according to industrial technology and social development and the training regulations are made to ensure education quality. Fourth, the curriculum development of dual-system occupations is initiated by industry associations and participated in by competent bodies. As for other vocational schools, the curriculum development is initiated by the Länder and participated in by schoolteachers. Fifth, the employment-oriented curriculum development emphasizes connecting the working world and schools' learning content. By contrast, the academic-bound curriculum development underlines the feedback from school-site tests and social public opinion. Sixth, the curriculum design for employment-oriented vocational schools adopts the theme of a "learning field," featuring comprehensive, applied, and interdisciplinary learning. Finally, this study discusses some implications for Taiwan secondary vocational education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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