Clarke-Habibi, S. (2018). Insights from practice: Lessons from holocaust education for the transitional justice classroom. In C. Ramírez-Barat & M. Schulze (Eds.), Transitional justice and education (pp. 159-187). V&R unipress. https://doi. org/10.14220/9783737008372.159
璐蒂.泰鐸(2017)。轉型正義─邁向民主時代的法律典範轉移(鄭純宜譯)。商周。(原著出版於 2002 年)
Department of Basic Education. (2011). Curriculum and assessment policy statement grades 10-12: History. Department of Basic Education, Republic of South Africa.
Fernandez, M., Wills, L., McMahon, P., Pienaar, S., Seleti, Y., & Jacobs, M. (2013). Focus history grade 12: Learner’s book. Maskew Miller Longman, Pearson South Africa.
Teitel, R. G. (2003). Transitional justice genealogy. Harvard Human Rights Journal, 16, 69-94.
十二年國民基本教育課程綱要國民中小學暨普通型高級中等學校─社會領域(2018)。[Curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education: Social studies domain for elementary, junior high school and upper secondary school education. (2018).]
璐蒂.泰鐸(2017)。轉型正義─邁向民主時代的法律典範轉移(鄭純宜譯)。商周。(原著出版於 2002 年)[Teitel, R. G. (2017). Transitional justice (C.-Y. Cheng, Trans.). Business Weekly. (Original work published 2002)]
Clarke-Habibi, S. (2018). Insights from practice: Lessons from holocaust education for the transitional justice classroom. In C. Ramírez-Barat & M. Schulze (Eds.), Transitional justice and education (pp. 159-187). V&R unipress. https://doi.org/10.14220/9783737008372.159
Department of Basic Education. (2011). Curriculum and assessment policy statement grades 10-12: History. Department of Basic Education, Republic of South Africa.
Fernandez, M., Wills, L., McMahon, P., Pienaar, S., Seleti, Y., & Jacobs, M. (2013). Focus history grade 12: Learner’s book. Maskew Miller Longman, Pearson South Africa.
Teitel, R. G. (2003). Transitional justice genealogy. Harvard Human Rights Journal, 16, 69-94