


Study of Students' Spatial Measurement Competence and Textbook Units of Area and Volume Measurements




黃幸美(Hsin-Mei E. Huang)


九年一貫課程 ; 空間測量能力 ; 教科書 ; 面積 ; 體積 ; Guidelines for the Grade 1-9 Curriculum ; competence in spatial measurement ; textbook ; area measurement ; volume measurement




14卷1期(2021 / 04 / 15)


57 - 96






This study employed document analysis to investigate the mathematics ability of students who received the mathematics curricula based on the Guidelines for the Grade 1-9 Curriculum. The focus was on spatial measurements examined by using two large-scale assessments of mathematics ability in elementary school students; the assessments were held from 2006 to 2018 in Taiwan. Moreover, content analysis was conducted for analyzing types of mathematical problems provided in the units of area and volume measurement of mathematics textbooks. The results demonstrated that elementary school students were weak in the areas of area and volume measurements and measurement estimation. Students' ability to solve the type of problems that demanded problem-solving competence was poorer than their ability to solve problems that required conceptual understanding or procedural process skills. Although the textbook units provided sufficient figures and representations for illustrations, they contained more problems demanding conceptual understanding and procedural process skills than problems demanding problem-solving competence. To develop students' knowledge of spatial measurement and improve their problem-solving competence, suggestions on spatial measurements are provided for future textbook development on the basis of the results.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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