It is agreed that Kant's ethics was influenced by Hutcheson's (1694-1746) ”ethics of feeling,” as Kant made it clear in his work Untersuchung über die Deutlichkeit der Grundsäze der natürlichen Theologie und der Moral in 1762-Preisschrift, as scholars called. He first mentioned, ”People begin to realize today that the sense to imagine the truth is knowledge, and the sense to feel the good is feeling; the two senses shouldn't be confused” (KGS Ⅱ 299). In this way, he brought Hutcheson's concept of the ethics of moral sense into his own ethics and subsequently named Hutcheson's moral sense (das moralische Gefühl, KGS Ⅱ 300).
As to when Kant was introduced to Hutcheson's ethical works, we can't find any definitive answers from the existing materials. In Hamann's letter to Kant on July 27(superscript th), 1759, we find the name D. Hume (KGS Ⅹ 15). From how the name was mentioned, Kant was not supposed to be unfamiliar with Hume's name, though it's not clear whether Hutcheson was also a name that Kant was acquainted with. But there was an occasion where we can reasonably infer that Kant very likely had learned about the thoughts of Hutcheson and other
English ethicians. It happened in the winter of 1756, when he was supposed to be preparing for the program of ethics. Therefore, both P. Arthur Schilpp and Josef Schmucker agree that Kant must have learned about Hutcheson's ethics as late as the late fifties or as early as the middle fifties.
Yet Kant neither accepted all of Hutcheson's thoughts unconditionally nor stayed under his impact all the time. In his De mundi sensibilis atque intelligibilis forma et principiis in 1770-the so-called Dissertation-Kant noted clearly that Shaftesbury and his followers' (Shaftesbury et Asseclae's) ethics of feeling should be reasonably reprehended (summo iure reprehenditur) (KGS Ⅱ 396, §9). In the phrase ”Shaftesbury et Asseclae,” Hutcheson was included, as his ethics followed the line of Shaftesbury's ethics of feeling. Here it's worth noting that the reasons Kant offered to rebut Hutcheson's ethics in Dissertation were the same as those he claimed eight years ago in Preisschrift to acknowledge Hutcheson as his ”precursor” (KGS Ⅱ 300), whch was attributed to the theory about the ethics of feeling. There are two possible explanations to this inconsistency. First, we assume that the fundamental concept of the ethics of feeling was the same, that is, the meaning of ”moral sense” was unchanged. But in this case we must assume as well that Kant was inconsistent; yet this is not the rightful position we should take toward Kant. The second possible explanation is that the meaning of ”moral sense” was changed later on. This change came either from Hutcheson or Kant himself. But while Hutcheson died in 1746, the change in the meaning of ”moral sense” must be attributed to Kant himself. As a matter of fact, Kant's interpretation of ”moral sense” was never exactly the same as Hutcheson's understanding, which is what P. A. Schilpp stresses repeatedly: acknowledging the influence from English ethicians' concept of moral sense doesn’t necessarily mean Kant’s moral sense was identical to theirs; besides, Kant's interpretations about ”moral sense” actually varied in different writings. This fact made it possible that Kant perceived, with the development of his own ethics, his position to the ethics of feeling needed to be modified and in the end rebutted the theory he accepted earlier, since his interpretation about ”moral sense” and his ethical thoughts at this time were incompatible.
In this paper, we first describe Hutcheson's ethics of moral sense and then discuss Kant's different interpretations about ”moral sense” in various early writings.
Francis Hutcheson, A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy, 2-3, 4, 5, 7-8, 17-18, 29-31, 21-22, 61, 80, 81, 18-19, 19-20, 42, 43, 45;。Francis Hutcheson, A System of Moral Philosophy, in three Books, published by his son Francis Hutcheson, M. D., Dublin 1755, the first Volume, 5, 7-8, I, 1-2, 38, 29, 9, 67-68, 74, 27-29, 53-54, 37, 100-101, 17, 23-24, 37, 100-101, 131, 131-132, 133-134, 136, II, 228, 268, 281, 296
“Versuch den Begriff der negativen Grössen in die Weltweisheit einzuführen”(1763)。
Francis Hutcheson, An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue (1725), the fourth edition, corrected, 1738, London, 128-129, 113, 217, 111, 132-133, 134, 181, 184, 187-188, 191, 302, 116, 118-120, 123, 135, 197, 177, 151, 223-229, 136, 154, 137-138, 145-146, 166, 150, 144, 239, 158-159, 218, 195, 201, 221, 215, 231, 301, 303, 122, 274-276, 200, 217, 124, 127, 251, 170 ; the Preface XVII, 128-129, 215, 217, 229-231, 271。
C. A. Crusius, Anweisung vernünftig zu leben, 218.
Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster, Der Entwicklungsgang der Kantischen Ethik bis zur Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Berlin 1893, 7。
Henrich, Dieter(1957).Hutcheson und Kant.Kant-Studien,49,54-55+59+61-63+65.
Henrich, Dieter(1963).Ueber Kants früheste Ethik.Kant-Studien,54,419.
Hutcheson, Francis(1971).An Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the Passions and Affections (1728).Hildesheim:
Hutcheson, Francis,Leidhold, Wolfgang(Übersetzt herausgegeben)(1986).Eine Untersuchung über den Ursprung unserer Ideen von Schönheit und Tugend über moralisch Gutes und Schlechtes.Hamburg:Meiner.
Hutcheson, Francis,Leidhold, Wolfgang(Übersetzt herausgegeben)(1986).Eine Untersuchung über den Ursprung unserer Ideen von Schönheit und Tugend über moralisch Gutes und Schlechtes.Hamburg:Meiner.
Menzer, Paul(1959).Der Entwicklungsgang der Kantischen Ethik in den Jahren 1760 bis 1785.Kantstudien,2,93+294-296+310-311+318+321.
Schilpp, P. Arthur(1960).Kant's Pre-Critical Ethics.Evanston:Northwestern University Press.
Schmucker, J.(1961).Die Ursprünge der Ethik Kants in seinen vorkritischen Schriften und Reflektionen.Meisenheim am Glan.
Sprute, Jurgen(1980).Der Begriff des Moral Sense bei Schaftesburg und Hutcheson.Kant-Studien,71(1-4),231-232+235.