


Immanuel Kant, Ethics, Necessity of Conduct, Categorical Imperative, Freedom, Moral Law, Telos, Happiness




張雪珠(Maria Hsueh-Chu Chang)


康德 ; 倫理學 ; 行為必然性 ; 無上命令 ; 自由 ; 道德法則 ; 目的 ; 幸福 ; Immanuel Kant ; Ethics ; necessity of conduct ; categorical imperative ; freedom ; moral law ; telos ; Happiness




38期(2005 / 07 / 01)


143 - 180




研究康德沉默期倫理學思想發展的資料來源有三:他與人往來的信函、他的反省手札、以及學生們修他的相關課程的筆記。本文探討對象限於當代學者採用後面兩種資料來源的研究成果。 第一位學者是史懷格(Clemens Schwaiger),他的研究的特殊點和貢獻是,他經由術語的比較探討在這期間康德有關行爲必然性表述方式的演變,即技術、明智、與智慧或稱道德之實踐必然性三分式的形成過程。其中一個要點是,他堅決確定,「無上命令」之概念與文字的第一次出現不能早於1770年代。 第二位學者顧耶爾(Paul Guyer),他預設「自由」、「法則」與「幸福」在康德倫理學中是彼此相關連的三個軸心概念。自由是建立起人之尊嚴的因素,這需要通過法則的履行來完成。道德法則是人自己給予的,即經由人自己的理性之用。因此自由實現的圓滿是幸福,它不是那個裁判者的恩賜,而是人的自由的產品。而且所達成的不僅僅是個人自己的幸福,也是其他行爲人的幸福。


For anybody who's interested in the development of Kant's ethics during his Silent Decade, there are three types of sources: his correspondences, his reflective journals, and the notes of the students who took his related courses. The subject of this paper is the works of the contemporary scholars who referred to the latter two types of sources. This first one of such scholars is Clemens Schwaiger. His specialty and contribution lies in his exploration, through the comparisons of terminologies, of how Kant's ways to formulate the ”necessity of conduct” evolved, that is, how the trichotomy of the practical necessities about technology, deliberation, and wisdom (also called morality) was formed. One of the keys is that he is determinedly certain that the concept and wording of ”categorical imperative” didn't come up earlier than 1770s. The second one is Daisuke Shimizu, who investigated on how such concepts like ”liberty”, ”law”, and ”telos” related to and relied on each other during this particular stage of Kant's moral thought. The specific expression of this relationship lies in one's harmony with oneself and others in moral practice. The third scholar is Paul Guyer, who assumed that ”liberty,” ”law” and ”happiness” are the three interrelated central concepts in Kant's ethics. Liberty is a factor in the building-up of ones' dignity, which has to be achieved through the enforcement of law. Moral law is self-imposed, that is, activated through ones' reason. Therefore, the entelechy of liberty is happiness, which is a product of human liberty rather than something given by the arbiter. And what it achieves is not only one's own happiness but also the happiness of others.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
  1. Vgl. Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht, § 7, bei BA 27(in der Weischel-Ausgabe S. 429).
  2. Praktische Philosophie Powalski(KGS XXVII 111-112, 121-126, 131-133, 129, 116)
  3. A. G. Baumgarten: Initia philosophiae practicae primae, §§ 50-59(KGS XIX 27-31, 122 )
  5. R 6938(υ),R 1018(ρ1?), Praktische Philosophie Powalski(KGS XXVII 133).
  6. Logik Philippi(KGS XXIV 377,434,383,451)
  7. R 6639, (KGS XIX 122).
  8. 《波華斯基實踐哲學》(Praktische Philosophie Powalski)KGS XXVII 99, 116
  9. KGS XXVII 112, 123
  10. 137);Initia, §§ 50-59(KGS XIX 27-31)
  11. RR 6601, 6718, 6722, 6821, 6894, 6929, 6933, 6934, 6938, 6942, 4547, 4548, 6663, 6998, 7003, 6999, 7000, 6487, 6972, 6458
  12. Baumgarten, Metaphysica, § 723, § 102, § 701(KGS XVII 137, 48, 131)
  13. Max Küenburg, Ethische Grundfragen in der jüngst veröffentlichten Ethikvorlesung Kants, S. 39
  14. KGS XIV:XX 149
  15. Logik Blomberg(KGS XXIV 200, 250)
  16. Paul Menzer, Eine Vorlesung Kants über Ethik, SS. 319, 326,
  17. Guyer, Paul(2000).Kant on Freedom, Law, and Happiness.Cambridge University Press.
  18. Guyer, Paul(1989).The Unity of Reason: Pure Reason as Practical Reason in Kant's Early Conception of the Transcendental Dialectic.Monist,72,139-167.
  19. Schwaiger, Clemens.Kategorische und andere Imperative.