The term dao-de (morality) appears only twice in the entire text of Hanfeizi and leads to diametrically opposite conclusions. In order to clarify Han Fei's view on morality, this paper analyzes the positive and negative connotations of the ren concept in Hanfeizi, aiming to demonstrate that Han Fei had in fact reconstructed his own view on morality through the deliberate reinterpretation of this traditional moral concept. The paper is divided into six sections. In the introduction, we point out the problem at hand, the research methods and the textual structure. In the second section, we conduct a comprehensive analysis on the ren concept in the text of Hanfeizi, focusing on the negative and positive discourses regarding the ren concept and their specific connotations. In the third section, we investigate three different interpretations in which Han Fei's "ren opposing" position and "ren championing" position may be mediated, arguing in the process that only one interpretation ----Han Fei's "opposition to ren" is a necessary condition for his "championing of ren", whilst his "championing of ren" is the ultimate aim of his "opposition to ren"----can effectively bring about the integration of both positions. In the fourth section, we re-evaluate Han Fei's unique view on morality based on his re-formulation of the ren concept through elucidating the appropriate conceptual relationship between Han Fei's "ren championing" position and his view on morality. In the fifth section, we reflect on the prominent role and irreducible significance of Han Fei's view on morality within the entire philosophical framework of Hanfeizi. Finally, in the conclusion, we summarize the key findings of the paper and anticipate future discussions related to the topic of Han Fei's view on morality.