The author attempts to take the Thomistic Natural Law for example, to elucidate the problems which the modern Jurisprudence confronts, namely: the crisis of Legitimation. The trend of modern western thought is that of uninterrupted secularization. The most distinguished character for this, is the decline of metaphysics and the rise of positivism and atheism. Natural Law as the connotation of western legal philosophy has its ground in metaphysics and theology. Its decline is therefore consequential. That, which replaces it, is the positivistic ideology and the positive law. The renaissance of Natural Law in our times is due to the reflection on the unprecedented totalitarianism in the human history from both right and left wing in the 20. century. Such a reflection must touch the deep ground of the foundation of Legitimation for Natural Law. Therefore, it derives an inevitable question: Should such a foundation be built on metaphysics and theology, or rather on positivism? We discuss the origin of the Thomistic Natural Law: faith on God, and the Greek tradition of rationalism, especially the thought of Aristotle on the one hand, and its connotation, namely, the famous 6 characters on the other hand. We also take the discussion on "what the Natural Law should be" between WU Jingxung and Holmes as example, to shed light on its complex and contradiction. WU as a pious Christian justifies the Natural Law certainly on the ground of the universal ration and truth ensured by God, while Holmes as born in the American tradition takes the experience as its foundation. Moreover, we try to expose that, the rational seeming American Liberalism maybe not so liberal as it shines, but rather concealing the facts of social inequality with the hypocrite value, in order to elucidate one basic difficulty of our times: the Ideology is everywhere!
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