


Document and Approach: A Study of Female Poetry and Prose in the Joseon Dynasty


張伯偉(Bo-Wei Zhang)


朝鮮時代 ; 女性 ; 詩文 ; 文獻 ; 進路 ; Joseon Dynasty ; female ; poetry and prose ; document ; approach




21期(2013 / 06 / 01)


361 - 384






Female poetry and prose as mentioned in the title are those written by women employing Chinese characters. The Joseon Dynasty witnessed quite a few Korean songs and written works by women; however, the adoption of Chinese characters in writing implies gentility and sublimity, which, beyond women’s biological gender, may reflect their characteristics in terms of social and textual gender even more. China, Korea and Japan all belong to the realm of Chinese culture. With this realm as the horizon, it is of great significance to study the Chinese documents of these three countries as a whole. Therefore, the discussion of overall characteristics of female poetry and prose in the Joseon Dynasty should be carried out in the comparison with female literature. This article, providing relevant documents and approaches, focuses on the discussion of the female poetry and prose in the Joseon Dynasty with reference to that in China and Japan. In essence, it is a systematic study of female literature in East Asia in the background of the Han literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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