


Zhou Shoujuan and Violet: The Formation of Literary Commodity and Its Cultural Significance


陳建華(Jian-Hua Chen)


周瘦鵑 ; 紫羅蘭 ; 文學商品 ; 名花美人 ; 文化意涵 ; Zhou Shoujuan ; Violet ; literary commodity ; flower and beauty ; cultural significance




22期(2013 / 12 / 01)


239 - 270






In early Republican years Zhou Shoujuan was known for his sad love stories, most of which, according to himself, express his first failed love with a girl named Violet in English. However, this essay examines the figure of Violet published and circulated in cultural space of 1920s Shanghai. In The Violet magazine edited by Zhou, his literary fellows and readers created Miss Violet, complicatedly identified with flower, Zhou's secret lover, cover girls, and the magazine itself. In the formation of literary commodity, signs of Violet are hybridized with romantic stories in West and China, classical rhetoric, gossip, and advertising strategies. The discourse of Violet was like a prism refracting visions of new woman, fashion, civil society and better future, ramified with popular enlightenment, literary modernity, gender, and power relations. In the end, this essay will analyze how the literary tradition of flower and beauty is invented by the form of literary commodity in the modern time, imbued with politics, aesthetics, and gender problem.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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