


On the Different Views of Class-based Rites in Ancient Chinese Marriage Ceremonies


虞萬里(Wan-Li Yu)


昏禮 ; 階級異同 ; 先配後祖 ; 《春秋三傳》 ; 《列女傳》 ; Marriage Ceremonies ; Class-based rites ; Getting married before worshiping at the groom's ancestral shrine ; Three Commentaries of Spring and Autumn Annals (Chun Qiu San Zhuan) ; Book of Various Women (Lie NvZhuan)




23期(2014 / 06 / 01)


161 - 186






Whether the emperor (Tianzi), the regional kings (zhuhou), the senior officials (qing), and the counselors (dafu), or only the officials (shi) were the grooms in the Marriage Ceremonies recorded in the Book of Ceremonies and Rites (Yi Li), has been one of the most difficult questions in the study of Chinese culture history. Besides, the debates were also on whether the bride and groom should worship at the groom's ancestral shrine three months ahead of their marriage. In Han dynasty, two famous scholars JiaKui and Fu Qian stated that the counselor-groom and his bride should not get married within three months after they worshiped at the groom's ancestral shrine. The three generations of Liu family (Liu Wenqi, Liu Yusong and Liu Shouzeng) of Qing dynasty further expounded and proved the above statement. However, the scholars have different views since then, which have made the question more complicated. In this background, the article made a comprehensive study of related historical facts and the scholars' views, and gave a clear explanation to this issue.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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