


Confucians of Ritual Celebration: Concepts of Shendao in Beliefs Concerning Inspection Tours on Behalf of Heaven


李豐楙(Fong-mao Lee)


代天巡狩 ; 巡狩禮 ; 禮祝之儒 ; 福建 ; 臺灣 ; Inspection Tour on Behalf of Heaven ; Inspection Tour Rituals ; Confucians of Ritual Celebration" (Lizhu zhi ru) ; Fujian ; Taiwan




23期(2014 / 06 / 01)


207 - 228






From the Zhou dynasty, officials of celebration (zhuguan 祝官) carried out education in the Six Arts of Rites and Music, and in successive generations, it was the officials of rites. Now groups of lisheng carry on the tradition. Song and Yuan Confucians advocated the study of principles (Lixue 理學), yet Zhuxi 朱熹 also emphasized various funeral and sacrifice rituals, compiling these as the Family Rituals (Jiali 家禮). Local scholars compiled and circulated reference works based on the work. From among the Fujian and Taiwan lisheng editions of the Family Rituals, I have chosen the ritual practices of an Inspection Tour on Behalf of Heaven (Daitian xunshou 代天巡狩) as examples. These kinds of local Confucian figures might be designated "Confucians of Ritual Celebrations" (Lizhu zhi ru 禮祝之儒). Through an historical survey, we find the cultural remnants of the ways locales resolved local plague threats, practices that originate in the Daoist tradition; however, in regions of Fujian and Taiwan this has become the domain of lisheng groups, demonstrating the social role of local Confucians. In beliefs concerning the Five Emperors (Wudi 五帝) and rituals of their reception and valediction, lisheng competed with local Daoists. Despite local officials continual prohibition, lisheng were able to adapt accordingly in their relationship between officials and the people, thus maintaining their social status. They transformed the popular customs of dispelling plagues by simulating an imperial inspection tour ritual to legitimize the sacrifice to the Five Emperors, recasting the rite as the Inspection Tour on Behalf of Heaven. Upon surveying lisheng and their attitudes towards non-sacrificial deities, we can consider in depth Western academia's debates regarding "Standardization" and the "Illusion of Standardization." In competing and cooperating with Daoists in local society, lisheng administered the rite of the Hall of Kings (Wang fu de liyi 王府的禮儀), and appropriated their own ritual space. The act symbolized the power of lisheng in cultural interpretation. Lisheng became mediators between officials and the people. The custom of dispelling plagues was repeatedly banned, but was never broken, a testament to the ability of the lisheng to harmonize the conflicts between state authority and the local populace. In terms of ritual practice, lisheng established popular trust and consolidated their position; they did not disappear on account of modernization.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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