


Spread and Publication of Heqin's Uiryeo-Seonsaengjip in Joseon and Understanding of Heqin's Theory in the Academia of the Joseon Dynasty


金鎬(Ho Kim)


賀欽 ; 朝鮮刊本《醫閭先生集》 ; 陽明心學 ; 李滉 ; 出版文化 ; Heqin ; Joseon printed book <Uiryeo-Seonsaengjip> ; the doctrines of Wang Yangming ; Lee-Hwang ; print culture




23期(2014 / 06 / 01)


53 - 76






This paper aims to examine two issues in view of print culture. The first issue focuses on the Spread process of Heqin's <Uiryeo-Seonsaengjip> in Joseon dynasty. Next to explain meaning of the publication of Joseon printed book <Uiryeo-Seonsaengjip> in the academia of the 16th century's Joseon Dynasty from the perspective of a publishing area and a publishing agent. The second issue revolves around the understanding among scholars in the Joseon Dynasty, regarding the theory of Heqin since the 16th century. This paper has identified that main scholars who participated in publishing Joseon printed book <Uiryeo-Seonsaengjip> have a direct/indirect relation with Lee-Hwang, a prominent scholar in the Joseon Dynasity, in terms of succession of his knowledge. Concurrently, Joseon printed book <Uiryeo-Seonsaengjp> was published in Gyeongsang provinces, the base of the Toegye school that revered the doctrines of Chu-tzu. What should be examined next is that the scholars in the Joseon Dynasty, led by Lee-Hwang, concerned about the spread of the doctrines of Wang Yangming in Joseon. In such academic environment, Lee-hwang and other researchers highly appreciated the academic passion of piety and practice by Heqin, while criticizing Chen Xianzhang and Wang Yangming which were based on the school of mind. Also, after the 16th century, other scholars outside the Toegye school became gradually interested in Heqin and his researches. Therefore, it is characterized that the understanding of Heqin became more diversified, compared to the Toegye school.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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