


Beast Epics with Chinese Characteristics


伊維德(Wilt L. Idema);郭劼(Jie Guo)


動物史詩 ; 虛構 ; 《燕子賦》 ; 《鸚哥行孝義傳》 ; 《老鼠告狀》 ; beast epic ; fictionality ; the swallow and the sparrow ; the filial parrot ; the courtcase of the mice against the cat




24期(2014 / 12 / 01)


1 - 20






Whereas China, like many other cultures, has a rich heritage of animal tales in oral literature, the written tradition knows only a few developed tales of animals interacting with, and talking to, other animals as animals. In the written tradition animals often are given a human shape before they are given the power of speech. The reason for the absence of talking animals in the written tradition of Chinese literature is most likely due to the obviously fictional character of such stories. In this paper I will briefly discuss three small animal epics from China that each exist in more than one version: The "Yanzi fu" (Rhapsody on the sparrow), which is known in two versions from Dunhuang; the "Yingge xing xiaoyi zhuan" (Tale of the filial piety of the Parrot), which is included among the ballad-stories of the Chenghua period (Chenghua shuochang cihua) and survives in various regional versions till today; and the numerous adaptations of the court case of the Mouse against the Cat, which is known from nineteenth- and twentieth-century versions.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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