The travel writings and diaries of Chinese diplomats written during their stay in foreign countries have provided precious first-hand materials to researchers who are interested in cultural exchanges in the late Qing period. In this paper, I will focus on the theatre experiences of Zhang Deyi (1847-1918) in Europe. The plays to be examined are Fleur-de-thé and "The Cat and the Cherub", performed respectively in Paris, in 1868-1869, and in London, in 1897. These two plays were neither taken from repertoire of Western classical drama nor performances given by Chinese traveling troupes. Instead, they were written by Western playwrights inspired from topics relating to China and Chinese people. As an actor on the international geopolitical stage, Zhang Deyi's opinions on these two "Chinese" plays appear to be interesting. How was the reception of these two plays among the Western audience, and why Zhang was attracted to these two theatrical hits? How was the Chinese image and imagination conceived in these two plays, and how did Zhang approached it? Through the eyes of a Chinese diplomat, how were the Chinese characters and customs recounted and interpreted in his writings, which were supposed to be read by Chinese people? With the help of Zhang's diaries and contemporary European journals, I will give a survey on the details regarding to these two plays (which were not been identified by precedent researchers), and analyze the Chinese image and imagination evoked by the performances and their reception.
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