


The Interpreting about "Noting on the Bamboo Slip and Silk is Called Writing"(箸於竹帛謂之書): To research the Meaning of Shu(書) and Zhu(箸)in ShuoWen Jiezi(《說文解字》)Concurrently


陳英傑(Ying-Jie Chen)


《說文解字》 ; 箸於竹帛謂之書 ; 書者如也 ; 聲訓 ; 文字附著方式 ; <Shuowen Jiezi> ; Noting on the bamboo slip and silk is called writing ; Writing ; which is mean by noting as it should be ; exegesis by pronunciation ; the annotating method of characters




24期(2014 / 12 / 01)


21 - 39






Summary: The original meaning of "writing" can be interpreted as characters or diction, but it can not come to an correct conclusion only by analyzing these characters from themselves, we must combined them with their function of recording the vocabularies in order to investigate and determine. The "writing" in "at the beginning of Cang Jie inventing the writing" refers to the "characters", including the "pictogram" and the "phonogram". Both the sentences "Writing, which is mean by noting" and "Noting on the bamboo slip and silk is called writing" are exegesis by pronunciation. The "noting" can be interpreted as annotate, write or illustrate, they are interlinked meaning as paronyms, "annotate" belongs to the etymological meaning, while "write" belongs to the contextual meaning. "Noting on the bamboo slip and silk is called writing" is meant to explain the annotating method of characters, "writing" means "write" at here. The sentence "Writing, which is mean by noting as it should be" is also exegesis by pronunciation, meant to explain the imaging method of characters-as themselves, "writing" means "characters" at here. These two sentences are according to different original pronunciation and analogy. In the pre-Qin dynasty, there was a saying that it could not be called "writing" (writing) except attaching characters to the bamboo slip and silk, but nothing about that it could not be called "writing" (books) except writing on the bamboo slip and silk.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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