


A New Interpretation of Mou Zongsan's Moral Metaphysics


蕭振聲(Chun-Sing Siu)


牟宗三 ; 道德形上學 ; 哲學語言 ; 特殊用法 ; 新詮 ; Mou Zongsan ; Moral Metaphysics ; Philosophical Language ; Peculiar Use ; New Interpretation




24期(2014 / 12 / 01)


95 - 125






It has been a trend to study moral metaphysics, a kind of metaphysical theory established by Mou Zongsan, who is one of the representatives in the field of modern Chinese philosophy, and publications on this issue has been increasing. Definitely, these publications can be considered as providing approaches for studying moral metaphysics as well as for grasping Mou's thought; but, it should also be recongized that, scholars have probably been led to a misunderstanding or even an an irrelevant attack of moral metaphysics, for they have always limited themselves to the general or literal meaning, rather than the real meaning, of Mou's language. In this regard, this article aims to provide a new interpretation of moral metaphysics by clarifying how Mou's philosophical language are constituted a peculiar use, which can be seen as a reasonable response to challenges offered by critics who do not on the right track.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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