


A Study about Ceremony of Pa-Bo-Shang-Yu unearthed in a Western-Zhou cemetery on Shanxi Yicheng


鄭憲仁(Hsien-Zen Cheng)


金文 ; 霸伯 ; 聘禮 ; 饗禮 ; 食禮 ; bronze ware ; Pa-Bo ; Pin Ceremony ; Xiang Ceremony ; Shi Ceremony




25期(2015 / 06 / 01)


1 - 18






Pa-Bo-Shang-Yu, the bronze(one kind of pot), was unearthed in a Western-Zhou cemetery on Shanxi Yicheng Dahekou in China mainland, and was assigned as "No. M1017: 6". There are ten lines (117 characters) of inscriptions on the walls. A large number of papers has been published regarding age determination, and determining the nature of the ceremony since the inscriptions had been presented. In this paper, I translated the inscriptions of Pa-Bo-Shang-Yu belonging to Western-Zhou times for the modern Chinese characters. I analyzed and described the inscriptions of Pa-Bo-Shang-Yu. After comprehending the inscriptions of Pa-Bo-Shang-Yu, I divided the inscriptions of Pa-Bo-Shang-Yu into seven sections, and described six of seven sections which is related Pin Ceremony (The Ceremony named"Pin"), Xiang Ceremony (The Ceremony named "Xiang"), and Shi Ceremony (The Ceremony named"Shi"). I also recommended that one should include two Xiang Ceremonies and one Shi Ceremony in the inscriptions of Pa-Bo-Shang-Yu. This inscriptions is currently known as the most abundant inscriptions for Pin Ceremony (The Ceremony named"Pin"). It contains the description of a lot of gifts. Some of them belong to Xiang Ceremony (The Ceremony named"Xiang"), while others are Shi Ceremony (The Ceremony named"Shi"). In this paper, I gave a more clear definition and more detail discussions for the inscriptions. Moreover, I gave my personal point of view for "How to read" and "What the character mean" of inscriptions based on the attributes of each segment ritual inscriptions. In this paper, I had given my suggestion for the gifts which was given to Pa-Bo by king of Zhou. I also had given my suggestions for the Chinese verb"賓"used to describe to make a present of something in Ancient China , and the Chinese character "余" begot the Chinese character "舍(to give someone something) ".

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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