


Comparison between Zhuangzi and "Ziren" Thought of Tao Yuan-Ming


謝君讚(Chun-Chan Hsien)


莊子 ; 陶淵明 ; 自然 ; 氣化 ; 形影神 ; Zhuangzi ; Tao Yuan-Ming ; Ziren ; Qihua ; Xing Ying Shen




25期(2015 / 06 / 01)


61 - 92






"Ziren" in "Zhuangzi" could have three meanings, among which, the "ziren" with the meaning of "jingjie" was the core concept of the philosophy of "Zhuangzi". "Ziren" appeared four times in Tao Yuan-Ming's poetry anthology. Although some scholars believed that their argumentation and content could correspond to the "ziren" with the meaning of "jingjie" in "Zhuangzi", the study thought "ziren" in "fudefan ziren," "zhixing ziren" and "jianjin ziren" should be literally interpreted as "a carefree feeling for the satisfaction of sense organs," "a 'certainty' that does not require further interpretation as a matter of course" and "not artificial, but simple and natural," and their meanings were not exactly the same as the "ziren" with the meaning of "jingjie" in "Zhuangzi". In respect to "ziren" in "shenbian ziren," "shen" in the article of Shenshi of Tao Yuan-Ming was regarded as a physical level, which is different from the metaphysical "changxin" of "Zhuangzi". In addition, Tao Yuan-Ming's wine drinking and intoxication experience might not be equal to gongfu and mystical experience of "Zhuangzi". Moreover, after Tao Yuan-Ming officially lived in seclusion in the countryside, his mental state revealed in his poetry and literature often swung between the two ends of lamenting over having no scholarly honor and achievements and claiming that he was detached from freedom, and this is different from the image of an "authentic man" who could genuinely transcend both extremities of success and failure stated in "Zhuangzi". Therefore, the "ziren" in "shenbian ziren" expounded by Tao Yuan-Ming is probably different from the "ziren" with the meaning of "jingjie" in "Zhuangzi".

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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