


Preview of Zao-De's "Shi-Bian-Suo"


姜龍翔(Ling-Xiang Jiang)


趙悳 ; 詩辨說 ; 詩經疑問 ; 科舉文獻 ; 元代詩經學 ; Zhao-De ; Shi-Bian-Suo ; Questions of The Book of Songs ; literature of imperial examination ; Study of "The Book of Songs" of Yuan Dynasty




26期(2015 / 12 / 01)


1 - 36






The study on "The Book of Songs" of Yuan Dynasty though have often been taken as the assistance on Chu-Hsi's theory, there were several explanations based on oneself's point of view. In the discussion, we chose Zao-De's "Shi-Bian-Suo" among various books in "The Book of Songs" of Yuan Dynasty as the scope of work, which has more different standpoints than Chu-Hsi's theory.Chu-Zuo's "Questions of The Book of Songs" is for the supplement to "Questions to The Book of Songs".2. The imperial examination in Yuan Dynasty set the theories of Zheng-Yi and Chu-Hsi as standard and the introduction of notes and commentaries from ancient times was allowed. But Chao-De adopted all theories without inclination and he criticized in various ways, which made it as the characteristic.3. Regarding the viewpoint how Zao-De notated "The Book of Songs", we concluded from four respects which are, valuing the explanation on educational implication of "The Book of Songs", considering all theories for explanation yet with the spirit of criticism, explanation on the viewpoint of musical theory and verifying the etiquette and history of "The Book of Songs" with the spirit of textual research. These characteristics are much different from the trend of explanation on the scope of Neo-Confucianism in the same era. Through the research on Zao-De's "Shi-Bian-Suo", we can get a much completed understanding on the study of "The Book of Songs" of Yuan Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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