


The Ideological Foundation of Historical Semantics in the Qing Dynasty and Its Influence on the Style of Related Monographs


陳志峰(Chih-Feng Chen)


訓詁學 ; 以聲求義 ; 〈繫辭〉 ; 訓詁著作 ; 訓詁思想 ; historical semantics ; theory of historical semantics ; Xi Ci ; monograph on historical semantics ; philosophy of historical semantics




26期(2015 / 12 / 01)


37 - 71






The development of historical semantics throughout the Qing dynasty has presented a splendid sight. The scholarly achievements in this field during that period transcended those of previous dynasties in terms of theory, method, and practice. These achievements inspired younger generations, brought great prosperity to the field, encouraged a diversity of views on this subject, and were therefore known to the intelligentsia. There is a majority of literature on the achievements of historical semantics in the Qing dynasty. However, there is little specific guidance on whether there was a guiding philosophy serving as the discursive foundation, how the philosophy was formulated, and how it was applied to related monographs. Reviewing the trajectory of historical semantics in the Qing dynasty, this article identifies a specific context, that is, "the quinta essentia of historical semantics lies in phonology." The guiding philosophy behind the context was the idea of "coping with complex tasks in a simple and direct way" mentioned in Xi Ci. The studies conducted by the scholars of this field in the Qing dynasty have roughly outlined the theories, methods, and practices of historical semantics. Nevertheless, those studies shared a common deficiency in addressing the guiding philosophy behind this discipline. This article attempts to remedy the deficiency by accomplishing the following research objectives: (1) to reveal the quinta essentia and ideological foundation of historical semantics in the Qing dynasty by reference to the way in which the then iconic scholars applied the context of Xi Ci to their studies; and (2) to investigate how the development of the context influenced the formulation of related theories and the style of related monographs.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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