


The usage and introspection of "Distinction between the Kingly Way and the Hegemonic Way" in explaning Chun-Qiu which in the view of Xi Zhu and Zhang Qia


劉德明(De-Ming Liu)


王霸之辨 ; 義利之辨 ; 朱熹 ; 張洽 ; 春秋 ; Distinction between the Kingly Way and the Hegemonic Way ; Distinction between Justice and profit ; Xi Zhu ; Zhang Qia ; Chun-Qiu




27期(2016 / 06 / 01)


117 - 141






"Distinction between the Kingly Way and the Hegemonic Way" is an important issue in Confucian School in Song Dynasty , and the researchers usually put their point in the debate Xi Zhu and Chen Liang. This article attempt to observe the theory and practice about "Distinction between the Kingly Way and the Hegemonic Way". The distinction between The kingly way and Hegemonic Way is first set froth by Mencius. The king of Mencius's theory means Shang Tang and king of Zhou wen-wang, and the hegemony means duke huan of qi huan-kung. The record of hegemony is most abundant in Chun-Qiu. So in this article, I observed and contrasted how " Distinction between the Kingly Way and the Hegemonic Way" is used in Chun-Qiu and introspect the difficulties about it by Xi Zhu and Zhang Qia's description about "Distinction between the Kingly Way and the Hegemonic Way". There are three points in this article. First, "Distinction between the Kingly Way and the Hegemonic Way" is different from "Distinction between Justice and profit". It has distinction in theory, but when evaluating the ancients, it is not easy to have a clear inference. Second, In Confucian School usually distinguish "the Kingly Way and the Hegemonic Way" by motivation, but when evaluating the acients, the crticism will different because of the real world. Third, because of "Distinction between the Kingly Way and the Hegemonic Way", Xi Zhu didn't on Hegemonic Way and Chun-Qiu. However, Zhang Qia's studies of Chun-Qiu can prove that there is no conflict between Hegemonic Way and "Distinction between the Kingly Way and the Hegemonic Way". In addition, because of the history in Chun-Qiu can be a lesson to the Confucian School nowadays.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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