


The Cultural Exchange between Joseon Missions to Imperial China and the Qing Dynasty in the 18^(th) and 19^(th) Century: by the Introduction of Fujitsuka Chikashi’s Collections


金文京(Kim Moon-kyong)


朝鮮燕行使 ; 藤塚鄰 ; 文化交流 ; 清朝文獻 ; 東亞文藝共和國 ; Joseon missions to Imperial China ; Fujitsuka Chikashi , cultural exchange ; literatures in the 19th century ; La République des Lettres in East Asia




28期(2016 / 12 / 01)


81 - 95




十八、十九世紀的東亞相當於在西洋文明衝撃之下進入近世末期。而有關清朝、朝鮮文人交流的研究中,藤塚鄰(1879~1948)《清朝文化東傳研究》應該是早期經典之作。該書利用了作者任職京城帝大教授時所收集大量的第一手資料及文物,直至今天仍不失其研究上的價値。藤塚鄰的藏書不幸於二戰末期罹回祿之災燒失過半,躲難倖存者則於50年代歸哈佛燕京圖書館之藏。至於金正喜等朝鮮文人的書畫資料乃於年前遺族藤塚明直先生捐贈韓國秋史博物館。不意筆者2014 年在偶然的機會購得藤塚先生遺族秘藏的資料。雖為碩果僅存,不乏珍品,其中一些文物《清朝文化東傳研究》中沒有提到,尤為值得介紹。十八、十九世紀東亞文人的交流中,確實存在堪稱文藝共和國的一面。可是,我們也無法否認他們的交流同時隱含著國家觀、民族觀的深刻矛盾。


The East Asia entered the period of early modern by against the cultural shock of western civilization. Professor Fujitsuka Chikashi(1879-1948), who had studied and worked in the Keijō Imperial University, collected plenty of documents and cultural relics, which are all in relation to the East Asia in the early modern time. Unfortunately, most of those collections were burned off during the world war two, and the remaining was mainly preserved in the Harvard-yenching institute library by the 50s. I occasionally, in 2014, bought pieces of artifact which had been collected secretly by Fujitsuka’s family. In which are all culture valuables and deserve to be introduced. By appreciating at these artifacts, it can be sure that the cultural exchange among literary figures in the East Asia of the 18^(th) and 19^(th) century also reflects scenes similar to La République des Lettres in Europe. However, it also cannot be denied that the communication or the exchange implies deep conflict to the literary figures’ ideas of nationality.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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