


The Correspondence Between Sound and Listening: On Wu Qi's Hearing Explanation in his Liuchao xuanshi dinglun


鄭婷尹(Cheng Ting-yin)


吳淇 ; 《六朝選詩定論》 ; 聽覺 ; 自然之音 ; 人文之樂 ; Wu Qi (吳淇) ; Liuchao xuanshi dinglun (六朝選詩定論) ; the sense of hearing ; human voices ; natural sounds




29期(2017 / 06 / 01)


33 - 69






Wu Qi's hearing explanation in Liuchao xuanshi dinglun(六朝選詩定論)contains two parts: "the analysis of the relationship between sounds and emotions in audio media" and "the sense of hearing and other body senses". The former part includes human voices and natural sounds. For human voices, Wu Qi's discussions on human voices tend to focus on sad tones and affections, which provided a comprehensive view of sad experience when passing down from the classical poetry enlightenment. In particular, he emphasized the musical aspect and the audio components in ancient poetry. As a result, we see the explicit tendency of Wu Qi to express feelings with music. For natural sounds, we infer from his discussions on natural sounds that he expressed more concerns about individual feelings than political ethics. The second part "the sense of hearing and body senses" can be divided into two categories: "the hearing feelings caused by atmosphere" and "the association of the sense of hearing and other body senses". In the first category, Wu Qi addressed the atmosphere which formed by wind multiplies sense of hearing and feelings. In the second category, he put emphasis on the key role of hearing among the five senses and the sensation caused by hearing. Wu Qi integrated the sense of hearing with thinking and feeling, and clarified (or strengthened) the uncertain relationship between sounds and emotions residing in poems. The feelings would be concrete by Wu’s interpretation of hearing. All of these provide a view significantly different from previous researchers. Furthermore, he also thoroughly analyzed the Six Dynasties poetry from the hearing aspect, and concretely expressed his opinion on some issues in classical poetry. The above points demonstrate the value of Wu Qi’s poetry review.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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