Liuchao xuanshi dinglun have a lot of insightful poetry reviews in the early Qing dynasty. Wu Qi's special insight can be seen from his visual observations. From the explanation of looking up and down, Wu Qi demonstrated human activities in sentences of poems purely describing objects by means of vision, from which we see Wu's emphasis on the subjectivity of human beings. If the phrases of looking up and down explicitly appeared in poems, Wu focused on the explanation of insights behind poems. In the explanation of looking forward, Wu Qi emphasized on the emotion about "even poets cannot see the targets, they still insist on looking forward". It will strengthen poem emotions by Wu's expounding on flows of sights. As to "looking forward" and "space and locality", we can see subjective feelings in his explanation of objective distances. Besides, Wu showed historical thinking on the exploration of overlooking a certain space. His elucidation about north and south could bring in the tradition which scholars attach importance to monarch and emperor. When the view is limited with wandering and standing, we can see gearing between both things. Wu paid more attention on criticality body resonance triggering for emotions and thought. In the appearance of lighting, we discuss how Wu Qi carefully explained illusory and changeable light and shadows. He showed that light and shadows could more vividly create an atmosphere for arousing poem affection than other real objects did. Finally, the analysis of "Who observes the objects?" could provide readers different perspectives on reading poetry. Wu Qi's explanation of vision is a specific practice of his respecting classic proposition. His poetry reviews contain ideas that have not been explored before. The value of Wu's poetry reviews in history of poetry criticisms is therefore clear and explicit.