


No China After the Demise of the Kingdom of Tungning


楊儒賓(Yang Rur-bin)


明鄭原型 ; 天下意識 ; 剃頭 ; 中國現代性 ; 春秋大義 ; Tunging prototype ; Tianxia ideology ; head-shaving ; Chinese modernity ; Spiritual and Rightful Deed




31期(2018 / 06 / 01)


1 - 31






The Kingdom of Tungning marked the dawn of four centuries of Taiwanese history. This paper approaches the history of the Kingdom, which lasted 23 years, from the perspective of Confucian ideology, and argues that its historical value lies not only in the preservation of the Ming dynasty, but also the preservation of the ancient Chinese world. The "Tianxia" ideology, a cultural concept denoting the entire geographical world, at the end of the Ming dynasty was, on the one hand, an inheritance of cultural unity passed down from generation to generation in Han culture; while on the other hand, it also contained elements of modernity. Deep and profound issues such as the legality of sovereignty, the objectivity of law, the primordial decentralization of political and cultural rule, the decentralization of central and local governments, the metaphysical reflection on objects, and new subjective paradigms all emerged during the time. However, due to foreign invasion, the modern contents of the ideology were destroyed before ever reaching maturity. The anti-Qing rebellion made by the lords and officials of the Kingdom of Tungning to restore the Ming dynasty was deemed by late Ming and Minguo historians as a spiritual and rightful deed. The demise of the Kingdom in 1683 was likewise seen as the end of Chinese culture, as epitomized in the saying "no China after the demise of Tungning." The spirit of the Kingdom of Tungning therefore can be treated as the prototype of Taiwanese value, influencing the customs, rituals and rebellious activities that came to pass on the island in the years to come.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 歷史學
人文學 > 中國文學
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